
Digital Transformation: Build Your Organization’s Future for the Innovation Age


  • Format Pdf
  • Pages 316
  • Size 1.68 Mb
  • Language English
  • Code E-Book

Created from first-hand experiences in leading major innovation programs, supplemented by in-depth interviews with key industry players, each chapter is heavily evidenced with insider insights from the leaders and teams responsible for digital transformations around the world, including: IKEA, the UK Government, Royal Caribbean Cruises, Starbucks, KPMG, Direct Line, and the British Medical Association. Other companies interviewed include Hilton Hotels, Walgreens, Bank of Montreal, and Experian.

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As with any large infrastructure project, the costs and risks involved in a major innovation program are significant, and how it is led and managed will directly determine its long-term success and sustainability. The secrets of successful digital transformation are usually tightly held by the organizations that achieved them; this new title unlocks the “how” of transformation through digital innovation.

Created from first-hand experiences in leading major innovation programs, supplemented by in-depth interviews with key industry players, each chapter is heavily evidenced with insider insights from the leaders and teams responsible for digital transformations around the world, including: IKEA, the UK Government, Royal Caribbean Cruises, Starbucks, KPMG, Direct Line, and the British Medical Association. Other companies interviewed include Hilton Hotels, Walgreens, Bank of Montreal, and Experian.

Written for professionals who recognize the need for innovation within their organizations but may need guidance on plotting out the roadmap, this book illustrates the processes and tactics that can be implemented in any innovation program. It doesn’t just provide the guidance for leading digital change, it will arm readers with the evidence and inspiration needed to drive real innovation in their businesses.